Well, I have the solution! (EDITED on 02.23.2009)
Please contact 3M by calling 888.936.3636 Monday through Friday 8am-5pm Central Time. Please feel free to leave a voicemail during evenings and weekends.
I spoke with Sean and he helped me discover that my applicator was one of the defective applicators manufactured due to a specification that was off on the rear 'wheel' component. If you give 3M a call, they will determine if your applicator is defective by asking you to open your applicator, removing the locking mechanism on the part where the excess tape goes, then removing a component to see if it rolls freely. If it does not, then it is a defective applicator. To fix this problem, they are sending me a replacement part with directions and also some adhesive for losing any! It helps that 3M has great customer service in regards to defective products! I will post another updated review after I receive my replacement part and discover my applicator's intended easy use!
For other related reviews, click here.
I hope you found this information helpful!
1 comment:
Thank you SO MUCH for posting this info! I have had the same problems with my ATG 714. I thought it was me, but I went searching for information and a solution on the internet and discovered your helpful blog! I called Shawn, and he's sending a replacement part! So THANK YOU once again!
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