Papertrey Ink - Friday (CHA Exclusive Floral Fusion)

Papertrey Ink - Saturday (CHA Exclusive Floral Fusion)

Splitcoaststampers - Friday (Taylored Expressions)

Splitcoaststampers - Saturday (Unity Stamp Co.)
Hey Everyone! I had a great time at the CHA Super Show. I was so excited to be there. When I first arrived, Mac and I undoubtedly walked right, and literally walked right into the PTI booth. It was funny because I was thinking, "These cards are great" (referring to the DT cards on the booth). Then, realized a split second later, this is PTI! I looked over and immediately recognized faces of the DT! Then, I noticed the swarm of customers, fans, and onlookers. The line was growing long. I decided to tackle it first for fear something would run out! Why I was so concerned I don't know. I can order from their site at any time and on any day! It's one of those feelings, like I've got to get it now!
Anyway, I saw Dawn and Nichole as the booth greeters. While waiting in line, Heather walked past and recognized me. I was so shocked! My 'giddy-ness' started to kick in. Next, we see Nichole and Dawn. Nichole yelled my whole name, "Ashley Newell" and began talking about my
video. She loved it (as well as the rest of the PTI group, Jane and Julie). Now, when I recorded that video, I did it for the 'support group' really. Those of us who attend the release party on the 15th every month. I never thought Nichole, Julie, and Jane would watch it! I was kind of embarrassed, but in a good way. (Side Note: I get shy really quickly in public) Anyway, I met Dawn and she wanted to meet Mac since he contacted her last year to make me an anniversary card (
here). We had a quick conversation, took photos, and then shopped. At the checkout, I met Jane and Julie and discovered they were mother and daughter. Was I the only one who did not know this? I loved PTI even more after finding that out! Saw Debbie and Heather, took photos and chit chatted for a bit. Everyone....EVERYONE was so nice, sweet, and just nice (oh, I said that already)!
Next, I went to SCS booth, met Beate and Jenn Balcer! Such lovely ladies! I had fun over there and participated in the make and take featured by
Taylor Vanbruggen. We walked around a bit, then I did a make and take at PTI that featured the exclusive stamp set. Heather helped me out!
On Saturday, I did the same thing! We took more pictures (using a different lens) and recorded some video. I even got Dawn and Nichole to say HEEEEY! I'll share that with you all soon! I met some blog friends, Naomi, Julie, Christy, Kisha, and lots of others like AJ Otto, Maren Benedict, Jennifer Buck, Jimmi Mayo (I don't want to leave anyone out but...), Lori Craig, and so on and so on! You saw most of the pictures in the
slideshow. The photos from the slideshow (plus, some extras) are also viewable on my
flickr page.
I want to thank Mac for supporting me and coming along to Orlando and attending the show on both days, for not complaining, and for not getting anxiously ready to go! I appreciate how patient you were and for taking pictures, making me feel like a super star, and compiling the slideshow! Thanks SO much!
I shopped a bit more for some stamps/fabric/accessories. Here is the
video of what I picked up!
love your purchases, all those buttons and the fabbie scrapblocks!!!
glad you had such a good time!
LIKE I wasn't already jealous enough! LOL! That just looks like SO much fun! Now I just need to wipe the drool off my screen!
All of the cards are cute! I especially like the some birdy loves you card.
Wow, you got lots of great goodies! I never knew that the top of the ink could fit under, thanks for sharing! The make and takes are gorgeous!
Ashley, it was GREAT to get to meet you in person! And Mac clearly treasures you--who wouldn't? ;-D {{{Big hugs, girl!}}}
You should never run out of buttons. Love all the purchases. I have to look at the corner punch.
Wow, love all your goodies!!! Especially the buttons! Thanks for letting us live vicariously through your CHA and buying experience.
Hey Ashley, u got some really great stuff at CHA. I'm glad you had fun. I think you have buttons in every color. I really luv the midnight black and sweet blush button colors. I think I need to purchase a 6x6 stamp the floral ones look great. Cute make and takes. Well thanks for the video. Have a good day
Looks like you had so much fun!! I'm not usually a huge purple fan, but those buttons were SO CUTE! LOL, how bad is it that I had just about 95% of the items you showed on the video from PTI? ;) They are my weakness, for sure.
so jealous...I love that new PTI set...I'm hoping she will release it to those of us who were not fortunate enought to go....
Love what you did here!
I'm so jealous of all the goodies you got at CHA Ashley! I love the Floral Fusion set. Like Regan said, hopefully Nichole will release it to the rest of us who couldn't make it :)
You are so cute! Thanks for sharing the video. It would be so fun to go to CHA someday...
Boy, I tell you...that "Mac" guy sounds like a real winner:)! LOL! Ash, I had a great time going to the CHA with you. I am very proud of the how you were well-received among the other artists. It was a pleasure to be there with you and I even got some inspiration along the way. When's the next one:)?!
Ashley- it was great to meet you and your talented husband! you are lucky he was sooooo patient!!
and your photo slideshow was great! thanks for sharing!
Hi Ashley!
Thank you so much for sharing your goodies at CHA. I love watching your videos, and I'm looking forward to more.
Also, I love your sassy haircut!
Thanks very much for sharing the video and photos! I really enjoyed that :) Great to see, you had so much fun!! I can't wait to see what you create with your wonderful, new goodies! :)
Been loving your videos - many thanks - I was too far away to get to CHA and your videos are a real treat - and you are such a sweetheart, I could sure use your style advice for hair and clothes!!!!!
Well Ashley, I think you'd better come to terms in accepting the fact that you're pretty well known in the crafting bloggin world, hehe. We love yer stuff! (hug) You don't seem like the type that gets shy, hehe, you do VLOGS! Thanks for sharing your experience at CHA with us, how fun! And thanks so much for your kind words on my last post, it really meant a lot to me!
Clouds :D
Great video -- spectacular shopping! I'd been looking forward to seeing what you would pull out of your pink bag! Thanks for sharing -- now I'll be looking forward to seeing what you create with all your new stuff!
LOL! Awww... Look at Mac being all sweet in the comment section! :-)
So glad y'all had a blast! Can't wait to join in on the fun one day! :-) How SWEET is it that the PTI team knew you when they saw you!? Big things coming your way Ash, I just know it!
I think my fave things that you shared (b/c I was already familiar with the PTI products) were the 6x6 stamps. Really loving the bold graphics!
Thanks for the video. I added a few things to my cart just from the purchases you made! I see a new PTI Design Team member in the works!
HOLY BUTTONS!! omg that was too funny...and i LOVE that honeycomb 6x6 stamp - i didn't see that one!!
and seriously...mac is a doll! what a great sport - you two are SO adorable!
Great video Ashley, thank you so much for sharing all your new goodies with us and for giving us a lowdown on the vibe of CHA - even though I'm in England I'll there next year if they decide to do it again, looks so much fun! Love your blog by the way - I visit all the time : Kate xxx
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